Friday, December 2, 2011

Archlord X: The Chronicles - Human Race



The Human race first appeared in Chantra 1000 years following the Orc had settled. Following the dramatic sinking of their land, key pioneers in Human society initially established a foothold within the Western area of the continent known as Chantra. History suggests these were able to perform so because of their ability of handling fire. In the early stages, Humans lived in relative peace, however, they soon began to realize that Orc had landed on the Eastern part of the continent and in a short time tensions were raised because the Humans became protective over their territory. Humans have a relatively short lifespan, with 80 years regarded as long. Humans also provide an inferior breeding capacity when compared to Orc, using the average number of offspring being 3.
Archlord X: The Chronicles - Human Race


With an average height of 175cm, mankind is by no means the tallest the Chantra. However, the Humans are a race whose immediate surroundings effect on their physical features, for instance, complexion, hair & eye color vary greatly dependant on factors for example their role in society, weather and diet. Humans are fully aware of the frailties, and so put lots of emphasis on their armor and housing. This has led to some of the most spectacular armor sets seen in Chantra as well as substantial housing developments, by which they've clustered together for protection. 


Humans are a complex race, which share many similar traits, however each Human depends on their individual the ability to lead. Very stubborn and frequently envious off those with superior strength and power, they likewise have limited patience. Humans enjoy war but are sometimes known for his or her incredible generosity and kindness. Their love of drinking, singing and dancing guarantees regular festivals wherever they reside.


Human’s familiarity with fire led them to make use of iron. Human weapon smiths are sought throughout the land for his or her superior skill. Yet these aren't the only real skills that the Human race has acquired. They were also quick to build up other creative skills including tailoring, armor making and economics. Utilizing these skills has allowed the Human race to carve themselves a distinct segment role in Chantra’s larger society. It has helped ensure their survival and development through the years.


Humanity places strong focus on status, protocol and structure. Over time they evolved from a society where the strongest held the greatest social position to a Monarchy based society. This is often further elaborated on.


The social structures found through the lands by which humans have settled share many traits. Stronger Humans and people with influence are normally in a position of dominance. To keep relative peace within their culture when Humans age and die their descendants inherit their position, regardless of their abilities. To outsiders, a persons society appears equal with warriors, mages, merchants and peasants all receiving treatment the same. However, this isn’t always the case, as wealth, honor and age go a long way to determining how someone is treated. Consequently human society has a tendency to divide its self into classes, with Nobles (the ones that hold the most wealth and power) to Laborers (the ones that carry out the majority of the manual work and are considered the lowest class in Human society).


Unlike other races in Chantra, the Humans established an organized education system. They will use education to determine social position with just the most financially privileged receiving a complete education. However the ones that decide to pursue the warrior arts, whether Mage, Knight or Hunter, all receives extensive education within their chosen positions. The education structure of these warriors depends on the ones that live long enough, taking the time to pass on their knowledge to those beneath them.


Through the years, a persons civilization has become quite spiritual. Having spent periods in relative instability, the Humans looked to the gods for explanations and luxury. Out of this grew their hope and spirituality. However as they have become as a society some have forgotten their routes and become corrupted, straying from the spiritual past of the ancestors. Now, Humans only turn to the spirits in no time of weakness and for their own selfish ends. Whilst some remain strong within their spiritual beliefs others do not, the question of faith is one that all must face before they go into the battlefield.


Housing is yet another area by which humanity has excelled, most famously due to their frailty and weakness to handle the elements. They like building new structures and take pride in creating structures that are suitable for the environment they're occupying. During construction, functionality comes above aesthetics, protection from the sun and rain and warmth would be the all-important functions that any new structure must stick to. However, this said, houses are not only employed for protection, they are also used to establish status i.e. the larger their property the greater important they are. This is especially true of materials used, as only the very rich are able to afford enough stone to construct a considerable structure.


Humans enjoy a varied diet of vegetables and meats and like the majority of things in Human society, the things they eat also reflects their social status. Those with more income are able to afford higher quality vegetables and more exotic meats.


Human’s tailoring techniques are very advanced and this enables them to create many wonderful designs and patterns. As a result clothing originates for use as another way to acknowledging social status with just the rich able to afford elaborate clothing. Poor people usually end up in very dull garments whilst the rich go for more extravagant and colorful items. You're guaranteed a goody for the eyes in any human city that you decide to spend time in. Tailoring is not the only thing that humanity a developed, with amour crafting also a key skill. On the whole they wear one of two armor types: the poor, more expendable warriors largely use leather armor, however, because these warriors rise through the ranks they earn the to wear steel armor. Endless hours of development happen to be poured directly into creating elaborate, yet highly protective suits of armor, that can ensure protection and style around the battle field.


Many villages within Human society have regulations in place to avoid chaos. The only real ‘official’ laws are located in Tullan, and the king issues these. They are able to simply be revised upon his let them know.


There are various punishments open to authorities for people who break what the law states, probably the most severe which is the death penalty, but many are expelled rather than killed.


Humans are fully aware of their own frailties and look to prevent combat where possible, opting instead to control the situation with cunning and use and buy their way to power in other areas. Having said this, they are known for attacking when they feel they are in a position of strength, frequently as a direct result out numbering their opponents. Once they feel they're in a position of weakness they will often be put off by battle choosing instead to regroup and watch for further opportunities.


Because of their lack of physical strength many choose to devout their time and energies to advancing their magical knowledge. Consequently, through the years they've come to acquire a great understating that rivals the MoonElves in certain areas.


Humans have just as much power as anyone else who resides in Chantra, despite their perceived frailty. They will always shoot for the very best, not only on their own, but also for those who are within their care.


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