Monday, November 14, 2011

Warrior Character in Runes of Magic

Warrior Character in Runes of Magic

Warrior Character in Runes of Magic

Warriors are truly masters in the utilization of arms, and may handle every close combat weapon while also being able to wear a myriad of armors, even magnificent chain mail.

Driven by their battle rage they struggle to upset the enemy with special mixtures of strikes and blows and to boost the momentum of the attacks.

They can also channel their rage into passive abilities to bolster themselves in order to provoke opponents and also to scare all of them with a remarkable display of their fury - so terrifying that weaker minds take flight in panic.

Ultimately the class combinations broaden their skills into various arrays. To inflict massive physical damage in close combat will always remain their primal strength though.
Skilled warriors keep your overall situation in mind at all times and know when they can break loose in battle, draw the wrath of the enemies upon themselves or take a back seat.

No warrior would ever retreat from an honorable fight.
They are skilled in the utilisation of the deadliest weapons and always make an effort to become better and stronger. Warriors are proficient in all close combat techniques so that they can emerge victorious from even the toughest fights.

However every victory should be earned honorably. Attacks from behind a rival by other unfair means are taboo. The possibilities of an upcoming fight does not arouse fear within the mind of a sturdy warrior, however it instills a sense of honor and also the will to win.
Warriors show no mercy for their enemies and grow stronger when attacking one enemy to another, because warriors try to surpass their own skills in each battle.

Warrior Attribute
Strength: 28 Dexterity: 23 Constitution: 26 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 17

Warrior as a Secondary Class
Choosing a warrior like a secondary class can give your main class access to the use of axes as well as additional melee combat skills and a defense bonus.

1H Sword
1H Axe
2H Sword
2H Staff
2H Axe
2H Hammer


Dual Class Options

The Warrior/Scout combination favors two-handed weapons in close range and adds more skills towards the Scout's ranged skills. Warrior/Scouts obtain a powerful close-range strike, a ranged stun, a buff to the Moon Cleave skill, a ranged strike that complement Warrior rage generation, and a ranged strike that does exactly the same but is based from weapon DPS.

The Warrior/Rogue elite skills don't affect a character's play style much. One skill changes the functionality of Shadowstab's bleed effect; another boosts the warrior's base movement speed. Blood Dance gives characters another powerful attack which costs HP while Frenzied Attack acts as powerful but risky damage-increasing cooldown. Keen Attack is yet another combo skill, usable once the target is Vulnerable, striking twice for any great deal of damage.

The Warrior/Mage combination complements the Warrior's play style by taking advantage of a mana pool that usually sees little use. It supplies a highly-damaging weapon skill that buffs magic damage done, a powerful melee-range elemental-damage strike, a PVP-oriented cooldown, a ranged, long-cooldown nuke, and the ability to imbue the Warrior's weapon to cause wind damage with every hit.

The Warrior/Priest combination is fairly eclectic. It features a desperation cooldown, an interrupting ability , a buff towards the Magic Barrier skill, the capability to convert health directly into rage, along with a high damage attack used when the target is diminished.

The Warrior/Knight combination complements the Warrior's tanking abilities, providing them with a ranged pulling ability, a potentially consistent blocking buff, a potent PVP-oriented cooldown, a potent damage/threat building skill, a additional rage generation, and also the capability to wear plate armour.


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